doctor, doctor, give me the news
He asked me if I'd had my surgery yet. Umm, no. Your partner is doing it next month. He then talked to me for a while (more on results in a sec), told me that he didn't think I'd need to keep seeing him after the surgery ("unless of course you would have another miscarriage..." - thanks for keeping my confidence level up, Doc) and closed with "make sure that Dr. K monitors you the next time you get pregnant." Yeah, Dr. K -- that'd be my old doctor, the doctor I'm never going to see again. Hmm. And to think that I thought that this RE was Dr. Wonderful... apparently he's just as distracted at times as everyone else. Probably saw Dr. K's name on some old lab result in my chart and remembered that, rather than the fact that I distinctly told him I wasn't happy with their practice and was going to find another doctor.
But at least there was some good news -- normal karyotyping for both G and I, and my thyroid antibodies were also normal. He didn't see a problem with me going on baby aspirin after the surgery, although I could tell that he isn't sold on the link between MTHFR and miscarriages. (I wanted to say "well, hey what's another miscarriage among friends -- maybe even throw in pre-eclampsia or a stroke or heart attack!" but thought he probably wouldn't appreciate the sarcasm.)
So, aside from the fact that I'm having KILLER cramps right now, all is well, gynocologically speaking. Well, as well as can be with the septum and all. I am so ready to get that thing out -- this may sound crazy, but I swear that since I've known about it, my uterus has felt different. There's no logical reason I should be saying this, as there is no way that I could actually be feeling something, umm, up there. But I've had more weird pains and cramps and odd feelings since finding out about this than I ever remember.
Of course, I could just have a hypochondriac for a uterus. Better than a depressed vagina, I guess.