Thursday, April 26, 2007

Chemo Adventures, Part 1

One down, eleven to go. I'm going to call this one "kicked in the butt" since I'm really feeling pretty good overall, a little tiredness today but then again I *was* out at the mall. :) In addition to taking my anti nausea meds I am making sure to eat small regular meals all day to avoid feeling sick.

The morning we went I was pretty calm, surprisingly. I sat around a lot when we first got there, partially to get "training" (basically explaining everything and all the possible side effects). Then I got an IV -- they had to stick me twice unfortunately as one vein "rolled" -- and waited while they sent blood off for testing. That will happen every time so they make sure my blood counts are ok to do the chemo. I was able to eat lunch while waiting and bring entertainment (they have DVD players to borrow if I want!)

After some delays they finally got the chemo upstairs. I took anti nausea drugs first and something for anxiety (woohoo!) Three of my four drugs are "pushes" meaning they come in a big syringe and the nurse slowly pushes it into the IV. A couple of them stung a little but it wasn't bad. The first two were done then I got one hung on a drip. That one took 30 minutes. Then I got another small push and was done.

I am getting a port installed in my chest (under the skin) prior to the next session - it will alleviate stinging in the veins and the problems with multiple sticks. I meet with the surgeon on Monday and then they'll do the procedure the day before my next treatment (May 8)

I'm feeling very optimistic. I know there's still the potential for fatigue or other problems but I'm taking it one step at a time.

Hoping it's a trend that I kick more of them than they do of me!


Blogger Anna said...

Go you!! You're a star. I'm so glad you got this one over with, and that you're feeling relatively comfortable. Maybe we can help you brainstorm some rewards that you can give yourself after each treatment, or each 3 treatments...?

4/26/2007 4:47 PM  
Blogger Catherine said...

You have just made me smile and cry all at the same time. I love you...and I know you will beat this...and I'm so glad it wasn't awful for the first day.

4/26/2007 7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have such a great attitude! You're going to do so well. My neice had the porta-cath put in as well. It helped a lot. Hope you continue to feel well.

4/26/2007 7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Lisa, it's so good to read this, and to know the first session was manageable. That makes the prospects for the next times so much brighter. I hope your kicking trend continues unbroken!

The DVD thing is a great idea, by the way. I hope you find some great distracting movies or comedy shows!

4/27/2007 3:17 AM  
Blogger Shinny said...

I am so glad that the first session went so well for you. I hope that all the rest do as well.

My mom had the port put in for her chemo. She still has her port, 7 years later. She probably should get that taken out, eh?

Wishing you the best.

4/27/2007 8:25 AM  
Blogger wishy the writer said...

Dear Lisa, I just want you to know I am thinking about you and wishing you healing. I think about you almost daily since first reading your blog on April 3rd. I wrote a tribute to you, your healing and to blogs like yours at my post:


4/27/2007 1:51 PM  
Blogger Julie said...

Lisa, I'm late in getting the news, and wanted to wish you well throughout this ordeal. So glad the first session went comfortably.
My thoughts are with you.

4/27/2007 2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo hoo. Kick that chemo butt! I'm glad things went well for you. A port is a good idea and a lot less painful in the long run. Here's hoping each treatment is as easy as the first.

4/27/2007 2:33 PM  
Blogger msfitzita said...

YAY for optimism!! I'm so glad to hear you're feeling it AND that you kicked butt today. :) Mostly I'm glad to hear that you've got that first one under your belt.

Thinking good thoughts and sending them you're way.


4/27/2007 6:20 PM  
Blogger onegreyhorse said...

Been thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Sounds like things are going well and you've got an awesome attitude. Hang in there!

4/27/2007 7:34 PM  

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