Monday, May 28, 2007

Back on the upswing

I'm getting used to these "down for the count" Fridays post treatment, although I still can't say that I like them AT. ALL. They are the most annoying day in the world, and I feel kind of like the walking wounded, going from uncomfortable position to uncomfortable position. I don't get any relief from any of the drugs they give me or any of those that I take OTC such as GasX or Tums. And occasionally the bloated feeling gives way to something else (nausea and its wretched sidekick, vomiting) and I *feel* like a cancer patient.

But luckily those days are limited. I can just look like one; more of my hair is falling out now... but the physical side effects last me only that one day (well, perhaps part of the next). I don't know how I got to be so lucky; even though I don't feel lucky on Fridays I know it could be much, much worse. I hear stories of people who go through chemo and feel horrible most of the time, and so the fact that I have one bad day and two possible "eh" days out of fourteen possible days is really the best outcome I could think for all of this.

(Edited to add: I'm past my Friday for this cycle, Hallelujah! Next treatment is not until 6/6.)

I wonder if it's going to change, of course. I've read some Hodgkin's patients' stories that say that around the middle of treatment things got really bad in terms of fatigue (or pain or nausea or what have you) but I am holding out hope that things will remain status quo and I will make it through my "one day", one cycle at a time.

I'm a quarter of the way done, BTW. After the next one I'll be a third of the way done, and after that one I will need to figure out the complex fraction (haha - math not being my strong suit). We are planning a short weekend trip right before Independence Day. I am thinking ahead towards doing the "Light the Night" walk for lymphoma research, held in October. Once treatment is over. Over. Wow. Can I really think like that??

Our next big milestone, aside from the various fractions counted down with each chemo, is my next big scan. Friday, July 13.

I'm hoping it'll be my lucky day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Lisa, it's so good to get this update and to know that things are (comparatively) manageable so far. That's very good news, though I wish you could be spared your hellish Fridays too. I do hope things continue in this vein, and that your big scan brings great news, so that your smile alone will Light the Night in October. Thinking of you often and sending you healing wishes.

5/29/2007 2:51 AM  
Blogger Thalia said...

it sounds manageable. Awful, but manageable. A friend of mine at work who had hodgkins had a similar take on his treatment. He invested in all the buffy boxed sets and watched them through on his fridays. it didn't solve anything, but he said it was at least moderately distracting and felt like a bit of a reward. Do you have any little rewards planned?

Btw he's absolutely fine 4 years on, hair and all.

5/29/2007 3:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome that it's going so well. Sorry to hear that you DO have bad days...but at least they are limited. Thinking of you!

5/29/2007 5:42 AM  
Blogger Ann Howell said...

Your attitude is amazing through all of this -- you are my hero! Plugging away treatment by treatment seems like a positive way to manage it, both physically and mentally. I hope this Friday's treatment is bearable. One third of the way done -- progress is being made!

5/29/2007 6:16 AM  
Blogger Catherine said...

You make me smile. Even writing about your crappy days, you seem to have this energy about you that is so lovely and uplifting.

One day at a time, my friend.

(My bloglines is acting funny and I wasn't getting your feed...but now I am. I think you look cute without your hair.)

5/29/2007 7:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you for making it this far, and it sounds like you can see the finish line from where you're standing. That is really amazing. You're gonna make it!

5/29/2007 8:38 PM  

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