Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The suspense is terrible... I hope it lasts*

My cd3 results are back, and....

They're all normal! (For once, something about me is, haha.)

E2 was 47, LH was 3.1, prolactin was 19, TSH was 2.9, T4 was .82... and above all, FSH was 7.9. (I know they say your FSH is only as good as your worst result, but I'm relieved that it was lower anyway.)

I feel like I just got a golden ticket.

*The 1971 classic version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was on TV tonight, and in light of all the blogging I do about how terrible it is to have to wait and wait and wait, I couldn't resist using this quote.


Blogger Julie said...

Good job on the good results!

10/11/2005 10:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


That's great news about the results. I am so happy to hear it.


10/11/2005 11:01 PM  
Blogger Catherine said...

Yes! I love good news!

I have sadly realized, despite my love for Willy Wonka, that the whole Golden Ticket thing was totally ruined for me forever by Brittany's pergnancy t-shirt. I'm apparently scarred for life. sigh

10/12/2005 9:51 AM  
Blogger Lisa P. said...

Cath, I feel the same way re: the annoying t-shirt and its owner and actually cringed a little when typing it... however, the original song was going through my head at the time and I just couldn't avoid it! :)

10/12/2005 11:36 AM  
Blogger cat said...

Hurrah! May this be the start of lots of good news to follow.

10/12/2005 12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10/12/2005 2:02 PM  

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