Monday, October 10, 2005

home at last

I'm back, and I'm very behind on my blogs. I've made it to a few today to catch up, but still have more to do here in the house and am fighting a sinus headache, so I'll post quickly and try to catch up tomorrow.

Our trip was very nice despite the weather. It was gray for the whole trip, windy on Friday morning, drizzling Friday night, pouring Saturday afternoon, and cold Sunday. I always say, though, that a rainy day at the beach is better than a beautiful day at work any day, and I definitely enjoyed my trip.

I am always sad to come home from the ocean. Coming back to reality is even sadder, though. Life can't be all about vacations and rich food and good wine; no, life also includes jobs that suck and extra pounds and bad hair days and waiting. Waiting for answers, waiting for results, waiting for good news. Waiting to find out what the future holds.

(I know what I said in my last post about whining. This is more like me being... philosophical. Yeah, that.)

I've decided that I have to do something productive while I wait or I will go insane. So I'm going to try to lose some weight. It won't be easy, given that I have no motivation to exercise and a lack of willpower with food. But perhaps I can focus my mind on something else for a change, and maybe it'll make this waiting bearable. (It might make me cranky and irritable, too, but that's a risk I'm going to have to take.)


Blogger Catherine said...

So glad you had a nice vacation. There's something about the beach that always makes me feel at peace. I wish I could carry that with me when I'm not on the beach.

Good luck with the weight loss.

10/11/2005 5:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time! Welcome back!

10/11/2005 6:31 AM  

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